WHAT: St. Louis Vim Geeks - Top 10 (or so) Reasons to Use Vim WHERE: CAIT - The Center for the Application of Information Technology Classroom 24 5 N. Jackson Ave, St. Louis, Missouri 63105 WHEN: Wednesday, August 28th, at 6:30pm RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/vimgeeks/
Top 10 (or so) Reasons to Use Vim
We all know Vim is great. At this month's meeting, I'd like to detail a few of the many reasons why.
As I mentioned at the last meeting, I'm teaching a class on Vim in a couple of weeks, and I'm using this material in my class, so thanks in advance for being guinea pigs. ;-)
Drinks and Food and Stuff
I know it is late notice, but if you RSVP, we'll try to make sure there is pizza and drinks for everybody.
When and Where
We'll be meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, August 28th, where we usually do:
CAIT also provides detailed driving directions and parking information . (Don't worry about the parking permit stuff. It doesn't apply to us.)CAIT (The Center for the Application of Information Technology) Classroom 24 5 N. Jackson Ave St. Louis, Missouri 63105 CAIT on Google Maps Forsyth MetroLink Station
Make sure you RSVP!
See you this Wednesday!